Monday, October 19, 2009

Squiggles McBoobFace on Pooping at His Place

"Many women believe that men are uncomfortable with proximal defecation because there are some activities which, once they cross a (male) mind, immediately de-sexualize the person in question. Nothing could be further from the truth -- if this were the case, most modern men would be rendered permanently asexual upon first viewing Japanese pornography. In fact, the issue is territorial; if some woman can shit in your toilet, pretty soon she'll be hunting on your land, or worse, borrowing your sweatshirts."


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's not the borrowing sweatshirts, it's the magazine rack. Seems like a good idea, functional and metal, like a good man bathroom should be. then comes the bodywash and decorative soaps. Then it turns bad.

    Knicknacks. little thingies that don't do anything but pretty up the place. You look down, and say:

    "how did you get here, ceramic flower?"

    and ceramic flower says:
    "I came here stowed away in the magazine rack to take your manhood and put it in a wicker basket!"

    That's when the tears start.

  3. How exactly do you stop her from doing it?
